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Call Chris Benson 01904 236344 The Pool Cover Expert today



Ref: 039001001a

Jolly Gel was originally manufactured for use with zeolitic high grade filter media used in swimming pool pressure filters. This is because the standard flocculentsbeing marketed, interfere with the ion exchange capability of this type of filter media. It was also foundthat because of Zeolite’s natural structure, the collection of fines when using Jolly Gel was far quicker and more efficient. It was reported later by the pool trade that when used in conjunction with silica sand Jolly Gel noticeably reduced maintenance time when compared with aluminium sulphate or liquid flocculents.

There are two standard sizes manufactured. To use just place the required size cube or brickette in the pump or strainer basket. The Jolly Gel slowly dissolves as the water passes over it on its journey to the filter. The Jolly Gel places a porous, clear membrane screen over the filter media, and penetrates the bed to an average depth of some 15cm (6”). the glutinous structure will remove the finest particles of dust and algae spores.Jolly Gel should not be used with cartridge filters.

• Because of the product’s unique formulation, miniscule particles of dust can be removed from the pool water.
• Continues to work for up to 3 weeks
• Removes algae spores
• Reduces chlorine consumption
• Prepares water to camera ready standards
• Creates no clouding or residual dust
• Places a clear membrane screen across the media to a depth of some 15cm (6”)
• Encapsulates the fine particles and holds them to the bed by means of a mild, glutinous formulation that is flushed away during backwash cycle

When using Jolly Gel for the first time, it is important that the operator observes the pressure reading within the first six hours, or dependent on the filter cycle. The reason is that the product has a far faster collection
capability than aluminium sulphate tablets, so the operator may be unaware that the pressure in the filter could build unnoticed. Once the water has been tidied by Jolly Gel, normal maintenance can be resumed.

Price: £15.60(€17.16) (Including VAT at 20%)

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